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Delivering Tomorrows Warranty Solutions.... Today

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My Home Solution is a third-party warranty management company with significant experience in the field of customer service and new home warranty administration. Our professional role as an informed and objective third-party administrator creates many benefits for both the homebuilder and the homebuyer.

My Home Solution can be your solution to warranty management leaving you to focus on doing what you do best.... building homes! For more information and a confidential presentation on how we can help your company contact:

Larry Johnson, President

Larry Johnson, President of My Home Solution Colorado (MHSCO) started in 3rd-party warranty management in 1997 and has successfully managed over 25,000 new home deliveries in multiple US markets. My Home Solution Colorado was founded in 2008 with the primary goal of establishing the highest level of customer service in the homebuilding industry. To that end, MHSCO has designed and developed home completion, delivery and warranty term enhancements that place it on the cutting edge of customer service in the homebuilding industry. Not the sole result of technology, MHSCO is founded on enhanced human interaction, communication, education, establishing expectations for all stakeholders, and follow-up. MHSCO singular focus is insuring the highest level of home completion, home delivery and home warranty services for its Builder Partners, their Trade Contractors and most importantly, their Homebuyers.

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